Be Informed and Be Empowered
Know your budget before you shop. Know your lender before you are in a time restricted sales contract. Be Empowered, put the seller and their agent at ease knowing that if price and terms are acceptable to you that you are financially qualified to close the transaction. Unlike Banks, direct lenders can shop for the best rate and terms through multiple lending sources all backed by FannieMae/Freddie or HUD. We can provide you with our list of trusted direct Lenders. Direct lenders make our list if they consistently provide excellent communication, rates and terms and work transparently with us and our clients.
Be Informed and Be Empowered
Know your real estate agent. Be empowered. Its important that you have complete confidence that your agent is providing you all your options quickly and efficiently with complete transparency. Be it providing all the homes on the market meeting your criteria, pointing out issues or pertinent information that may not be obvious if not explained and equally important to be available and communicate timely. Working with multiple agents increases the risk of working with an agent who is not experienced and faithful to you. Agents at JM Distinctive Properties are committed to earning your business and trust. You will see this difference when you choose us as your real estate advisor. Choose and schedule here on our website a time for a quick meet and greet with us at your favorite coffee shop or our office, we welcome the chance to meet you.
Be Informed and Be Empowered
Know and be confident that your real estate agent is a skilled negotiator working with you to get the best price and terms that you want. It is important that you have complete confidence that your agent is not just selling you any house. Be empowered with insights and knowledge of contractual contingencies so you can perform all due diligence to decide if you want to move forward to purchase the home or how and when you can release yourself from the contract. Working with multiple agents increases the risk of working with an agent who is not experienced and faithful to you. Agents at JM Distinctive Properties are committed to earning your business and trust. You will see this difference when you choose us as your real estate advisor. Choose and schedule here on our website a time for a quick meet and greet with us at your favorite coffee shop or our office, we welcome the chance to meet you.